Welcome to the course.
It is one week before the course starts. The course is about, well, what the title says - developing problem-solving skills.
More about the course later when we meet in class from 22nd Feb onwards.
First thing first - you have some preliminary reading and writing assignment to get you ready for the course. Please refer to your Course Outline.
There is no prescribed books you need to read but the one suggested is Frameworks for Thinking. It is available online. You can read any other books or even what people write on the internet. The product is My Dictionary of Problem-Solving Terms.
You are expected to submit during the first meeting this booklet that you compiled based on your reading. The idea is that you are familiar with terms common in talking about teaching thinking. Please submit one copy to me and have your own copy for reference. You are likely to edit your entries during the course when you get new insights in the problem-solving process.
Enjoy your reading and see you in class with a sharp pencil ... and mind.